“show and tell”をすることで、自分の考えや経験を上手く説明してアウトプットする練習になります。それでは2人の”show and tell”を見てみましょう。
Hi, Saki-san. How’s your English study going?
Hi, Jason-sensei! I have started studying vocabulary and reading English articles on the Internet. I started watching English movies and dramas and I’ve been writing down what the characters say.
Recently I had a dream where everyone was speaking English. I guess I’ve been undergoing some pressure.
Oh, sorry about the pressure, but still that sounds like you’re improving!
Also I’ve been keeping a short diary that I write in English every day using an app. Just like you said in the previous article, I’m trying to use English regularly.
Speaking of articles, we’ve just put a new one out! This time, we introduce how to do show and tell.
(記事といえば、新しく”show and tell”のやり方について記事を公開したね。)
Yes! Jason-sensei wrote that article in English and I edited it, so now we can read it in Japanese.
“show and tell”をやってみた
So now you’re very familiar with the idea of show and tell. Do you want to try?
(そうしたら、もう”show and tell”についてはよく知ってるよね。やってみようか?)
Actually, I never had a chance to do it before. This is going to be my first time.
(実は”show and tell”やったことなかったんだよね。今回が初めて。)
Really? You didn’t do it when you were a student in the States?
Normally show and tell is for little kids, like kindergarteners and elementary schoolers. My little brother did show and tell at school, but I was an upper grader and already too old for it by that time.
(普通は”show and tell”って幼稚園や小学校低学年の小さい子がやるものじゃん。私は高学年だったから”show and tell”をやる年齢でもなかったの。弟は学校でやってたけど。)
I see. I do show and tell to practice explaining things in Japanese.
(なるほど。僕は日本語の練習として日本語で”show and tell”をやるよ。)
That’s cool!
Okay, are you ready for your first show and tell? Let’s start with the basic level where you introduce 3D objects around you.
(そしたら初めての”show and tell”の準備はいい?最初は初級レベルとして身の回りの3Dのモノを英語で説明してみよう。)
Ahhh I’m so embarrassed. But I could finally get the chance to use “this is a pen” in real life!
(ああああ恥ずかしい。でも人生でようやく”this is a pen”を使えた。)
Haha, that was great! You started with stating what you wanted to talk about, followed by a reason, an example, and some more detailed opinions. These are all fundamental, important areas to consider when providing a quality description! What’s more, you found a way to connect the topic to our article’s general theme: the TOEFL! Excellent job!
Thanks! I realized something, show and tell is what youtubers do.
(ありがとう!気づいたんだけど、”show and tell”ってユーチューバーみたいだね。)
You’re right! Many Youtubers introduce an item or topic, often to people who aren’t yet familiar with it, and the Youtuber gives detailed descriptions that grab the viewer’s attention.
It’s hard to watch myself talking on camera, but you have to do it when you’re studying a language. By the way, those who are reading this article don’t have to put videos on Youtube!
Wow, excellent job describing the picture in detail. Not only did you identify each person and object, you made inferences in terms of how each person may be connected with one another, as well as a possible reason for the occasion and how they might be feeling. This is when tapping into your background knowledge (or the general information you’ve gathered throughout your life) can come in handy when you’re not 100% sure of something.
Next, Jason-sensei I want to see your show and tell at the upper level. You can’t use objects anymore.
(次は上級者向けの例としてジェイソン先生の”show and tell”を見たい!もうモノは使えないよ。)
While this doesn’t follow the TOEFL iBT response format exactly, I’ll show you how using what you’ve learned from doing show and tell can help your speaking skills for the test. First, I’m going to introduce a general summary of a topic, followed by an opinion and a detailed personal example .
(TOEFL iBTの解答方法とは少しちがうけど、”show and tell”を通して学んだことが、どのようにテストに向けたスピーキング力に役立つか紹介するね。最初にトピックについての概要を述べて、自分の意見や経験を入れていく流れだよ。)
What helped was something very important: thinking of a personal story to tell. Typically, test takers have a hard time providing well-developed responses at first. What I did was relate the topic to a personal example. Think about it: every story has a beginning, middle, and an end, right? By using this example from my childhood, I was able to continue speaking because I wanted to describe that memory completely. Especially in the case of the TOEFL, it’s much better to have more to say rather than to finish your story before the time is up.
In Japan, keep talking about myself in front of people might feel embarrassing and even rude sometimes, but I understand the importance of describing personal experiences in detail when studying English and preparing for the TOEFL iBT.